Best Block Planes

Best Block Planes

You might be wondering what a block plane is. You have seen it in your workshop and always wondered how to use it. Block planes are one of the most versatile tools in the woodworker’s shop. They can take care of just about any type of joint – from simple butt joints, through dovetail joints,…

Best Jack Planes

Best Jack Planes

There are many different types of planes out there, but the jack plane is one that every woodworker needs at some point. The jack plane is a versatile and durable tool that can be used for everything from taking off small amounts of stock to getting rid of major amounts. Our article will help you…

Best Smoothing Planes

Best Smoothing Planes

We are going to show you some of the best smoothing planes available. We will give you a brief overview of what they are, how much they cost, and which ones we recommend. Let’s get started! Quick Overview (Our Top 3): Best Smoothing Planes Now that you have seen our top 3 picks. If you…