Should a Splitting Axe be Sharp?

Should a Splitting Axe be Sharp?

The NESIS-AIP reports indicate that 11% of the mechanical injuries were caused by using an axe. These injuries included lacerations on hands and legs, with finger loss being the most prevalent. These statistics have triggered a very controversial debate, with everyone asking, ‘Should a splitting axe be sharp?’ One cardinal rule for every woodman is…

How to Use a Splitting Wedge

How to Use a Splitting Wedge

The winter season is quickly approaching, and everyone is looking for a solution to keep their houses warm. Unfortunately, that involves splitting the firewood and leaving them to dry least you have your house full of smoke while using wet logs. Nonetheless, using a splitting wedge is not the most uncomplicated process. Worst, this task…

Wet Dry Vacuum Cleaner Uses

Wet Dry Vacuum Cleaner Uses

Household maintenance is an ongoing process. Just when you think you’ve wiped up the last crumb, dusted the last shelf, and mopped the last undefined floor stickiness, it starts all over again. Vacuuming can be the toughest part; different messes require different cleanup. With a wet and dry vacuum cleaner, you can handle any type…