Should a Splitting Axe be Sharp?

Should a Splitting Axe be Sharp?

The NESIS-AIP reports indicate that 11% of the mechanical injuries were caused by using an axe. These injuries included lacerations on hands and legs, with finger loss being the most prevalent. These statistics have triggered a very controversial debate, with everyone asking, ‘Should a splitting axe be sharp?’ One cardinal rule for every woodman is…

Best Camping Axe

Best Camping Axe

Have you ever been on a camping trip and needed to chop wood? Whether it is for the campfire or for your tent, an axe is one of the most important things to bring. However, not all axes are created equal. This blog post will go over what makes a good camping axe and which…

Best Splitting Axe

Best Splitting Axe

A splitting axe is a tool that you need to use for cutting logs into smaller pieces. They come in many different sizes, shapes, and styles but the most important thing to look for when buying one is how sharp it is because without an extremely sharp blade you’re going to have a rough time….

Best All-Purpose Axe

Best All-Purpose Axe

Lumberjacks and professional woodworkers are always looking for the best all-purpose axes. They need to know what’s out there, what they need, and what to avoid so they can make their own informed purchase decision. This blog post will help you find the best all-purpose axe that fit your needs. Quick View (Our Top 3):…